How old is Manii J Santamaria?

Manii J Santamaria was born on 25 November 2000.
Manii J Santamaria is 24 years old.

How old is Manii J Santamaria in days now?

Manii J Santamaria is 24 years 4 months 4 days old.
Total 8,890 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Manii J Santamaria?

Manii J Santamaria's next birthday is in 7 months 27 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Manii J Santamaria?

Zodiac sign of Manii J Santamaria is Sagittarius.

A cool comedian and social media star, Manii J Santamaria is a TikToker whose content has managed to attract over 24 million followers, as of the early 2025. He came to this world in 2000 and grew up in California, alongside his family. He launched his channel when he was 18 years old and began to use it as a platform to share his interesting and entertaining ideas. The content of MAnii include mainly comedy related ideas and sketches, some POV and comments, some challenges, parnks, impressions, and such. Unfortunately, when he was 21, he lived through a tragedy since his mum lost her life to Covid 19. The most recent trend of his activities as a social media content maker is collaborating with other TikTokers and referring to their videos in his own ones. Some of his videos go viral, and the most viewed one has got over 1 million views. As of January 2025, there are over 24 million people follow Manii J Santamaria's channel, and the number is growing day by day.

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