How old is Magnus Carlsen?
Magnus Carlsen was born on 30 November 1990.
Magnus Carlsen is 34 years old.
How old is Magnus Carlsen in days now?
Magnus Carlsen is 34 years 3 months 26 days old.
Total 12,537 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Magnus Carlsen?
Magnus Carlsen's next birthday is in 8 months 2 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Magnus Carlsen?
Zodiac sign of Magnus Carlsen is Sagittarius.
Magnus Carlsen is a world-famous chess player, the grand-master and the World Chess Champion. He was born in 1990 in Norway and was considered one of the most talented chess juniors in the whole history of this sports. He learned reading by reading books about chess and was trained by the specialists of the Norwegian College of Elite Sports. Since his secondary school, he studied chess three-four hours a day, and he started his professional career when he was 13 years old. In those ages, he used to give simultaneous exhibitions and win a number of international chess tournaments. He became the Champion of Norway when he was 15 and in 2008 he became one of the Top Corus Group. Carleson became the World Champion when he was 13 years old by managing to win the title from Viswanathan Anand. During the late 2010s, he had a number of brilliant wins of the tournaments against Fabiano Caruana or Sergei Karjakin. Carlsen mentions such chessmen as Vasily Smyslov, Bobby Fischer, Hose Raul Capablanca, and Anatoliy Karpov as his inspiration. Magnus Carlsen is a model and a very popular person in Norway. For more information about Magnus Carlsen's performance in the world of chess please visit