How old is Madison Crist?

Madison Crist was born on 16 August 2006.
Madison Crist is 18 years old.

How old is Madison Crist in days now?

Madison Crist is 18 years 7 months 13 days old.
Total 6,800 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Madison Crist?

Madison Crist's next birthday is in 4 months 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Madison Crist?

Zodiac sign of Madison Crist is Leo.

A cool YouTube star from Texas, Madison Crist is among the most successful teenage YouTube star whose channel is a place to find plenty of advice and tips on healthy lifestyle, beauty, personal style and image, sports and outdoor activities, and such. She was born in 2006 and started her presence on YouTube when she was 15. She began making and sharing her videos herself though her parents sometimes appear on some videos of Madison. She loved dancing, and one of her most viewed videos is the one where she demonstrates some great choreography with a song of Ariana Grande. She is a cheerleader at school and a big fan of sports like trampoline jumping and athletics. Recently Madison Crist has got focused on making shorts which are loved by her fans a lot!

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