How old is Maddie Joy?
Maddie Joy was born on 24 November 1998.
Maddie Joy is 26 years old.
How old is Maddie Joy in days now?
Maddie Joy is 26 years 4 months 7 days old.
Total 9,624 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Maddie Joy?
Maddie Joy's next birthday is in 7 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Maddie Joy?
Zodiac sign of Maddie Joy is Sagittarius.
A lovely YouTube star with amazing eyes, Maddie Joy is known as a part of a talented duo called Maddie and Elijah which she used to run with her former boyfriend Elijah Wireman. Maddie was born in 1998 in Ohio and spent her early years in the city of Akron, alongside her parents and her younger sister. She started her activities as a teenager and in the mid 2010s she met Elijah online. They figured that they lived quite close to each other and decided to open their joint YouTube channel in order to document and share with everyone their romantic relationship. They first made videos about their remote relationships, and then started sharing videos about various activities that they were involved in together as a couple. Some of their videos like the one with a bubble bath or the one where they are kissing received hundreds of thousand views, and as of the early 2020s Maddie and Elijah managed to attract almost 2 million fans. Maddie Joy is also known as a fashion and beauty expert. She has been running her personal Instagram channel for a few years where it is possible to find plenty of related photos and videos.
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