How old is Madden San Miguel?

Madden San Miguel was born on 4 November 2012.
Madden San Miguel is 12 years old.

How old is Madden San Miguel in days now?

Madden San Miguel is 12 years 4 months 24 days old.
Total 4,527 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Madden San Miguel?

Madden San Miguel's next birthday is in 7 months 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Madden San Miguel?

Zodiac sign of Madden San Miguel is Scorpio.

Madden San Miguel known also as Baby Gronk, is a rising social media star and an extreme fan of sports like American football and baseball. He was born in 2012 and spent his childhood years in Texas, the city of Frisco. His father gave his the name after John Madden, a famous coach and commenter. The nickname of his also comes from the name of another football player, Rob Gronkowski. Miguel spent all his early years training in football, baseball, and even golf. With the help of his parents he launched his Instagram account when he was only 6 years old, and since then he has managed to attract over a half of a million followers. The genuine interest of Miguel in football and his effort to become a successful professional player made him really popular with usual social media networking platform users, as well as with some celebrities like a rapper Boozy Badass or Livvy Dunne, an athletic gymnast. As of the late 2024, Madden San Miguel has received a number of offers from various colleges to continue his education and professional life as a future football superstar. He has also appeared in front of cameras with a number of famous NFL players like Derrick Henry, Jamal Adams, and others.

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