How old is Mac Miller?

Mac Miller was born on 19 January 1992. Mac Miller died on 7 September 2018 at the age of 26 years.

What was the exact age of Mac Miller?

Mac Miller's exact age was 26 years 7 months 19 days old. Mac Miller lived for total 9,728 days.

What would be the age of Mac Miller if alive?

Mac Miller's exact age would be 33 years 2 months 9 days old if alive. Total 12,122 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Mac Miller?

Zodiac sign of Mac Miller is Capricorn.

Mac Miller was a talented American rapper who lived a short but very bright and fast life. He was born as Malcolm James McCormick in 1992 in Pittsburg and was raised in Jewish traditions. He was in love with music since he was 6 years old and learned to play piano, drums, guitar, and bass guitar, all by himself. He wanted to be a singer all of his life but in his late teenagehood, Malcolm began rapping and focusing on this very musical style since the late 2000s. He released his first mixtape in 2007 and took the name, Mac Miller. By early 2010 he had 3 mixtapes released and in 2011 he released his first studio album named Blue Side Park which has very good critics. The same year his mixtape Best Day Ever was released, with one of the best hits of Mac, Donald Trump. After releasing his second studio album Miller established his own record label and released three more studio albums with his own team. In the mid-2010s he started getting interested in producing other singers and musicians like Larry Fisherman and others. For almost two years he dated Ariana Grande. Mac Miller suffered from substance abuse and died due to an overdose in September 2018, at the age of 26.

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