How old is Luke Singletary?

Luke Singletary was born on 21 December 2005.
Luke Singletary is 19 years old.

How old is Luke Singletary in days now?

Luke Singletary is 19 years 3 months 8 days old.
Total 7,038 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Luke Singletary?

Luke Singletary's next birthday is in 8 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Luke Singletary?

Zodiac sign of Luke Singletary is Sagittarius.

Luke Singletary is a famous comedy and prank video creator known for his hilarious and unique content. He was born in 2005 in Georgia and, as of the late 2020, goes to a school there. He was raised by his parents, alongside his sister Madeline who often takes part in his videos and pranks. Luke started his social media activities by opening a channel on TikTok in the early 2019 which currently has about a third of a million subscribers (as of the mid 20234). It is possible to see plenty of various cool stuff there, including some funny comments on his life and especially school life, some mockery and impersonating some celebrities. Luke Singletary has managed to attract a large number of followers in a really short term, and his content is funny, creative and simply brilliant.

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