How old is Lukas Rieger?

Lukas Rieger was born on 3 June 1999.
Lukas Rieger is 25 years old.

How old is Lukas Rieger in days now?

Lukas Rieger is 25 years 9 months 28 days old.
Total 9,433 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lukas Rieger?

Lukas Rieger's next birthday is in 2 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lukas Rieger?

Zodiac sign of Lukas Rieger is Gemini.

Lukas Rieger is a German hip hop singer and TV showman who became popular as a participant of The Voice Kids Germany. He was born in 1999 in Lehrte and grew up alongside his parents and sister. He loved singing since his childhood and in school, he attended all possible classes and courses related to music. When he was 15 years old, he attended an audition for a TV show The Voice Kids but failed at that time. A year later he appeared on the show and made a few notable performances. In 2016 he released his first studio albums and continued recording his new hits. Lukas Rieger is known as German Justin Bieber and he is among the most promising young pop singer in the country. His TikTok channel is extremely popular and the number of followers as for the beginning of 2024 is 4.1 million people, as well as there are 2 million fans following him on Instagram.

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