How old is Lucki?

Lucki was born on 30 May 1996.
Lucki is 28 years old.

How old is Lucki in days now?

Lucki is 28 years 9 months 24 days old.
Total 10,527 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lucki?

Lucki's next birthday is in 2 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lucki?

Zodiac sign of Lucki is Gemini.

A charismatic and innovative hip hop singer, Lucki is known as a trap guy and a talented record producer. He was born Lucki Camel Jr in 1996 in Chicago and began interested in hip hop music as a high school student when he started  to listen to such rappers as Notorious BIG, Drake, Future, Babyface Ray, or even more pop stars as Prince and others. He began rapping and free styling in the early 2010 and used to receive a lot of motivating reviews from his high school friends. In 2013 his first EP came out and it included a few really good trap compositions. Three years later his best EP so far titled Son of Sam was released, which had a hit "Jigga 98" considered to be his breakthrough song. His debut studio album came out in 2019 and was followed by the second one in 2022. Later great hits of Lucki include "Super Urus", "Where I Be", and "New Drank", as well as his collaborative hits with such superstars as Danny Brown or Chance The Rapper.

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