How old is Luca Lombardo?

Luca Lombardo was born on 16 March 2004.
Luca Lombardo is 21 years old.

How old is Luca Lombardo in days now?

Luca Lombardo is 21 years 10 days old.
Total 7,680 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Luca Lombardo?

Luca Lombardo's next birthday is in 11 months 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Luca Lombardo?

Zodiac sign of Luca Lombardo is Pisces.

Luca Lombardo is a famous American social media star of Italian origin. He was born in 2004 in the US and grew up alongside his parents and two siblings. He has been crazy about music, singing, playing instruments, and acting since his very early age, and TikTok has become the best platform for him to show his talents. Luca opened his channel in the mid-2010s and started posting videos of him singing or doing funny lip-syncing. So far (as of the early 2025), the number of his subscribers has surpassed 1.3 million people from all around the world. Luca Lombardo has another passion in his life which is soccer. Together with his two besties, Maximo Rivano and Mark Anastasio, he plays soccer and enjoys this life to the fullest!

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