How old is Logan Thirtyacre?
Logan Thirtyacre was born on 17 November 1994.
Logan Thirtyacre is 30 years old.
How old is Logan Thirtyacre in days now?
Logan Thirtyacre is 30 years 4 months 14 days old.
Total 11,092 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Logan Thirtyacre?
Logan Thirtyacre's next birthday is in 7 months 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Logan Thirtyacre?
Zodiac sign of Logan Thirtyacre is Scorpio.
Logan Thirtyacre is a famous YouTuber and the founder of three big YouTube channels which are really popular with the fans of Super Mario. Born in 1994 in Florida, Logan grew up there alongside his two siblings. His mom divorced his dad when Logan was 3 years old, so he was brought up by his step-father Brian who was a computer freak and a huge fan of computer games. Brian was the one who introduced Logan to Super Mario games, as well as supported him in his idea to open his YouTube channel and focus on promoting this game to the general public. In 2007 Thirtyacre started posting extensively on first channel SuperMarioLogan which is now one of the primary channels of his. Other channels include SuperBrowserLogan, SuperPeachLogan, and others. After starting as an ordinary Super Mario game fan, Logan has quickly learned the needs and the preferences of his audience, so his videos were getting better and better, and the number of the followers started growing. Today, Logan has over 8 million subscribers of his primary YouTube channel, and he has active accounts on Instagram and Twitter. Logan Thirtyacre gladly collaborates with other YouTubers like Zeke or Chris Netherton. He is dating Chilly Jimenez, another YouTube star, and in summer 2022 they became parents to a lovely daughter Lily.
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