How old is Logan Paul?
Logan Paul was born on 1 April 1995.
Logan Paul is 29 years old.
How old is Logan Paul in days now?
Logan Paul is 29 years 11 months 27 days old.
Total 10,954 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Logan Paul?
Logan Paul's next birthday is in 4 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Logan Paul?
Zodiac sign of Logan Paul is Aries.
Logan Alexander Paul is a popular social media influences, a vlogger, and an actor. He was born in 1995 in Westlake in the state of Ohio and grew up alongside his brother Jake. At the age of 10, he started making YouTube videos and sharing them online with his fans. In 2014 he dropped out his engineering college in Ohio University and moved to Los Angles for developing a career of a social media star. In the mid 2010s he spent a lot of efforts to promote his channels on various platforms including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. By 2017 his channel on YouTube, Logan Paul Vlogs, had more than 13.5 million subscribers, and he also had more than 14 million followers on Facebook. Law&Order: Special Victim Unit, Weird Loners, and Stitchers are among the TV series that he's starred in so far. As of the early 2024, there are about 23 million followers of his current eponymous YouTube channel, and the number of the followers of his Instagram account is close to 28 million people. He continues living in LA and posts daily vlogs on his YouTube channels. Logan Paul is among the most promoted and most followed social media stars.
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