How old is LL Cool J?

LL Cool J was born on 14 January 1968.
LL Cool J is 57 years old.

How old is LL Cool J in days now?

LL Cool J is 57 years 2 months 12 days old.
Total 20,891 days old now.

When is the next birthday of LL Cool J?

LL Cool J's next birthday is in 9 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of LL Cool J?

Zodiac sign of LL Cool J is Capricorn.

LL Cool J is a rapper, songwriter, and actor known as one of the first hip hop style promoters in the world. He was born James Todd Smith in Bay Shore, NYC, and grew up in Queens. In his late childhood he was raised mainly by his mum and his grandma, and he began free styling and rapping when he was a young teenager, influenced by the early hip hop groups. His special style was formed when James was trying to compose and record his first compositions and it is now known as new wave hip hop. He took the name LL Cool J which means Ladies Love Cool James. In 1984 he singed up with the first recording company and released his first album titled Radio in 1985. Till the end of the 2000s he released an album every two years and produced such great hits as "Rock The Bells", "I Need Love", "Going Back to Cali", "Jingling Baby", "Doing It", "Mama Said Knock You Out", "Around The Way Girl", and others. His style in the late 2000s and 2010s could be described as a mix of hip hop and R&B. He has received two Grammy Awards and has taken part in about three dozens of movies like Any Given Sunday, Last Holiday, SWAT, Edison, and others. He also appeared in a number of TV shows, both as a host and a participant. In the early 2010s he was introduced in the Hall of Fame. LL Cool J is a winner of a large number of the most prestigious and respectable music awards like Billboard Music Awards, MTV Video Music Awards, etc.

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