How old is Lil Wayne?

Lil Wayne was born on 27 September 1982.
Lil Wayne is 42 years old.

How old is Lil Wayne in days now?

Lil Wayne is 42 years 5 months 8 days old.
Total 15,502 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lil Wayne?

Lil Wayne's next birthday is in 6 months 20 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lil Wayne?

Zodiac sign of Lil Wayne is Libra.

Lil Wayne is a known American rapper and musician. Born Dwayne Michael Carter in 1982 in Louisiana. He met the famous rapper Birdman in 1993. Birdman became Wayne's godfather and mentor in the world of music. He signed up the young rapper to his record label and made Lil join various hip hop bands like The B.G.'z, Hot Boys, and others. Wayne released his first solo studio album when he was 17 years old, and it immediately became platinum. The peak of his success was in the late 2000s, after releasing a few other albums. Tha Carter III has become the most sold album of Wayne and brought him a Grammy award, with the hits like "Got Money", "Lollipop" and others. So far, Wayne has released 13 studio albums and broke a number of records selling a really large number of records. Wayne is the author of a few books and the owner of a recording studio. He is often involved in a number of charity projects. Lil Wayne dated plenty of celebrities and has 4 children, all from different mothers. He can often be seen on TV in various popular programs and shows.

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