How old is Lil Peep?
Lil Peep was born on 1 November 1996. Lil Peep died on 15 November 2017 at the age of 21 years.
What was the exact age of Lil Peep?
Lil Peep's exact age was 21 years 14 days old. Lil Peep lived for total 7,684 days.
What would be the age of Lil Peep if alive?
Lil Peep's exact age would be 28 years 4 months 24 days old if alive. Total 10,371 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Lil Peep?
Zodiac sign of Lil Peep is Scorpio.
Lil Peep was a young American singer and rapper who will be remembered for his great hits and unique hip hop style heavily influenced by emo culture. He was born Gustav Eliah Ajr in 1996 in Pennsylvania and grew up in New York alongside his younger brother Karl. Gustav started getting interested in music in the early 2010s and opened his first YouTube channel in 2013. There he began uploading his first songs, and a year later he started using SoundCloud for sharing and promoting his music. His songs have got a warm reception and the number of his fans was increasing day by day. Lil Peep became a friend of Lil Tracy and the young musicians recorded a few songs together. In 2017 the first studio album of Peep was released titled Come Over When You're Sober and it managed to raise to Billboard charts. Due to his specific looks, the young musician worked as a model and was planning to start his own fashion line. However, in November 2017 Lil Peep passed away at the age of 21. A year later, his posthumous album was released and became extremely popular among hip hop music fans.