How old is Lil Mosey?

Lil Mosey was born on 25 January 2002.
Lil Mosey is 23 years old.

How old is Lil Mosey in days now?

Lil Mosey is 23 years 2 months 1 day old.
Total 8,461 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lil Mosey?

Lil Mosey's next birthday is in 9 months 30 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lil Mosey?

Zodiac sign of Lil Mosey is Aquarius.

Lil Mosey is a young American rapper and musician famous for his hits like Noticed and a few more. Born Lathan Moses Echols in Washington in 2002, hespent his childhood in Seattle and started rapping when he was 13. When he was 14 he opened his first social media channel and when he was 15 his first hits like Off White started receiving the first hundreds of thousands of views. When Lathan was 16, he started performing live and even took part in a small tour in LA. One of his songs titled Pull Up has received over 11 million views so far (as of the late 2024). In 2018 Lil Mosey signed up with a recording company and released his first studio album followed by his second studio album which came out the next year. His latest his is called Jumpin Out the Face, and it is becoming more and more popular among the young hip hop fans.

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