How old is Lil Mabu?
Lil Mabu was born on 4 April 2005.
Lil Mabu is 19 years old.
How old is Lil Mabu in days now?
Lil Mabu is 19 years 11 months 21 days old.
Total 7,295 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Lil Mabu?
Lil Mabu's next birthday is in 10 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Lil Mabu?
Zodiac sign of Lil Mabu is Aries.
A charismatic and cool hip hop singer, Lil Mabu has got his fame for his interesting music promoting strategies and unique musical style, with the famous songs including "Demon Time" and others. Born in 2005 in the US, he grew up in New York City where he made his first steps in music in the late 2010s. He started recording his songs and sharing them on various social media platforms including Instagram and YouTube. He supported his musical pieces and videos by plenty of videos of his performances and trips around the country, as well as visiting some small places like various southern resorts. He sometimes collaborates with his good friends and receives reactions on his videos from other famous social media stars. In 2022 his first studio album titled Double M's came out and was very well received. As of the early 2024, Lil Mabu has about two million followers on his Instagram account. He has recently released his first studio album which received very warm critics.