How old is Lil Fizz?

Lil Fizz was born on 26 November 1985.
Lil Fizz is 39 years old.

How old is Lil Fizz in days now?

Lil Fizz is 39 years 4 months 5 days old.
Total 14,370 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lil Fizz?

Lil Fizz's next birthday is in 7 months 26 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lil Fizz?

Zodiac sign of Lil Fizz is Sagittarius.

Lil Fizz (his original name is Dreux Pierre Frederic) is a famous American rapper and music producer known also as a member of "B2K" group. He was born in 1985 in New Orleans to the family of the Creole origins, and he grew up in California where he started getting interested in music when he was a teenager. When Lil was 13 years old, he became the youngest member of B2K rap band and remained in the group till 2004, until the time they break up. Since 2004 he started his solo career and recorded his first EP 2007 which included his successful singles like "Fluid" released a year earlier. The next EP came out in 2009 and had a few hits as well, including "Bounce" recorded with J-Boog. Lil Fizz tried himself in acting by taking part in a few cinema projects like Steppin: The Movie and others. Lil Fizz is an active promoter of his hits online and is one of the most popular young rappers on iTunes and Google platforms.

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