How old is Lexy Kolker?

Lexy Kolker was born on 17 August 2009.
Lexy Kolker is 15 years old.

How old is Lexy Kolker in days now?

Lexy Kolker is 15 years 7 months 9 days old.
Total 5,700 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lexy Kolker?

Lexy Kolker's next birthday is in 4 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lexy Kolker?

Zodiac sign of Lexy Kolker is Leo.

The younger sister of a star of Girl Meets World Ava Kolker, Lexy Kolker is a TV actress and a promising TV personality. She was born in 2009 in California and despite her quite young age she has already taken part in a good number of TV projects. As a 6 years old child she appeared in Criminal Minds, and then she took part in filming the shows Female Fight Squad, Searchers, Our Little Secrets, The Little Mermaid, and s few other. In 2016 Lexy portrayed Mary Swagger in 20 episodes of the show Shooter, and in 2017 she joined the cast of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. where she appeared in 6 episodes alongside her sister. In the early 2020s she took part in filming Always & Forever and Manifest West. She gladly appears on stage in different musicals like Hairspray or Peter Pan. Lexy Kolker can be found on Instagram.

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