How old is Leonidas Royalty?

Leonidas Royalty was born on 19 March 2009.
Leonidas Royalty is 16 years old.

How old is Leonidas Royalty in days now?

Leonidas Royalty is 16 years 12 days old.
Total 5,856 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Leonidas Royalty?

Leonidas Royalty's next birthday is in 11 months 16 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Leonidas Royalty?

Zodiac sign of Leonidas Royalty is Pisces.

Leonidas Royalty known formerly as Leonidas So Cool is a cool YouTuber and a member of a star family of CJ So Cool and Royalty Johnson. Born in 2009 in the US, Leonidas is growing up in a large family alongside his mum and numerous siblings. All together, they have been running their YouTube channel titled So Cool Kids. His sisters Karnation So Cool and J'aaliyah So Cool are among the most famous family members. There are also three step siblings that Leonidas has and who also take part in their social media activities. Leonidas Royalty often appears on videos of his father and is definitely doing really well at assisting him in his job. He also often appears alongside his mum's new boyfriends and friends.

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