How old is Lena Mantler?
Lena Mantler was born on 17 June 2002.
Lena Mantler is 22 years old.
How old is Lena Mantler in days now?
Lena Mantler is 22 years 9 months 9 days old.
Total 8,318 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Lena Mantler?
Lena Mantler's next birthday is in 2 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Lena Mantler?
Zodiac sign of Lena Mantler is Gemini.
Lena Mantler is a German Internet celebrity known as one of the Mantler Twins, alongside her sister Lisa Mantler. Born in Stuttgart in 2002, Lena and her sister were adopted by their parents who had already had a son and a daughter. Thus, the girls grew up in a crowded family. Since their early ages, they have been interested in dancing and took come dancing classes. When they were 13 years old, they opened their first social media channel, LisaandLena in, where they began posting various interesting videos, including lip syncing, their dance videos, and their kind of vlog. Surprisingly, the sisters have managed to attract a lot of public attention, and the number of their followers in TikTok has exceeded 32 million people. In 2017 the Mantler sisters recorded their first single titled "Not My Fault". They've also tried themselves in modeling and clothing design, so they have their own line for teenagers. Lisa and Lena Mantler have very popular Twitter and Instagram accounts, with about 19 million followers on the latter (as of the mid 2024).
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