How old is LeLe Pons?
LeLe Pons was born on 25 June 1996.
LeLe Pons is 28 years old.
How old is LeLe Pons in days now?
LeLe Pons is 28 years 9 months 3 days old.
Total 10,503 days old now.
When is the next birthday of LeLe Pons?
LeLe Pons's next birthday is in 2 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of LeLe Pons?
Zodiac sign of LeLe Pons is Cancer.
LeLe Pons (her real name is Eleonora Pons Maronese) is a media personality and social media star who has managed to collect a huge number of viewers and followers on her social media accounts like YouTube, Vine, Instagram, and others, in quite a short time. She is an actress, singer, and TV personality. She was born in 1996 in Caracas, Venezuela, but was raised in the US, in Miami. He father is an architect and her mother is a doctor. LeLe speaks Spanish, English and Italian languages. She started her presence in social media when she was 15 years old, and shortly after that she became very popular for her interesting videos on Vine. She collaborated with other popular Viner, Jerome Jarre, who rendered her all kinds of support. LeLe was the first among Viners to achieve 1 billion loops, and this record brought her a number of awards related to teenagers in social media. In 2015, after finishing high school, she moved to California and started developing her career as a TV personality. She took part in a few short and a few amateur movies, as well as appeared in a few TV series and music videos. She continues posting interesting materials to her social media accounts, and the number of her followers has been increasing steadily. As of the mid 2024, there are over 18 million followers on her YouTube channel and over 53 million followers on her Instagram account. She was repeatedly mentioned by a few media organizations like Forbes Magazine as one of the most influential media personalities of the late 2010s.
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