How old is Leah Jeffries?
Leah Jeffries was born on 25 September 2009.
Leah Jeffries is 15 years old.
How old is Leah Jeffries in days now?
Leah Jeffries is 15 years 6 months 1 day old.
Total 5,661 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Leah Jeffries?
Leah Jeffries's next birthday is in 5 months 30 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Leah Jeffries?
Zodiac sign of Leah Jeffries is Libra.
Leah Jeffries is a child actor whose performance in Empire went noticed by the public and the modern acting circles. Leah was born in 2009 in Michigan and raised in the city of Detroit by her parents alongside her elder brother Floyd who is also a public person and a model. As a young child Leah started training in gymnastics, and when she was 5 she was invited to join the cast of Empire where she portrayed Lola Lyon and appeared in 6 episodes of the show. In the late 2010s Leah took part in filming another TV show named Rel where she appeared in 11 episodes. In 2022 she announced that she was going to join another project, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, where she played the main role of Annabeth Chase. In 2022 there was her debut as a cinema actress in a movie Beast. In 2024 Leah Jeffries received a lot of nominations an accolades, including a CD4 Kids Child Ambassador. She has also joined a number of modeling projects.