How old is LavenderBlossom?

LavenderBlossom was born on 7 November 2011.
LavenderBlossom is 13 years old.

How old is LavenderBlossom in days now?

LavenderBlossom is 13 years 4 months old.
Total 4,869 days old now.

When is the next birthday of LavenderBlossom?

LavenderBlossom's next birthday is in 8 months.

What is the zodiac sign of LavenderBlossom?

Zodiac sign of LavenderBlossom is Scorpio.

LavenderBlossom is a successful and popular YouTube star, a gamer and a Roblox related content creator. She was born in 2011 in the US and became active on YouTube in pre teen ages, in the late 2010s. She started as a YouTuber, with the main focus of her videos on avatar graphics. Some of her videos had tremendous success, like, for example one of avatar customizing videos which received over 17 million views. She sometimes uses really interesting musical pieces for her videos, and her avatar drawing tutorials are interesting and easy. As of the late 2023, the number of the followers of her channel is close to 2.9 million people. LavenderBlossom can also be found on Instagram where one can find plenty of images of her avatar ideas.

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