How old is LaurDIY?
LaurDIY was born on 11 August 1993.
LaurDIY is 31 years old.
How old is LaurDIY in days now?
LaurDIY is 31 years 7 months 17 days old.
Total 11,552 days old now.
When is the next birthday of LaurDIY?
LaurDIY's next birthday is in 4 months 14 days.
What is the zodiac sign of LaurDIY?
Zodiac sign of LaurDIY is Leo.
LaurDIY or Lauren Riihimaki is a young lovely lady and a famous YouTuber, fashion vlogger and beauty consultant. Lauren was born in 1993 in St. Catharines, Ontario, and she is of Finnish, Japanese, and Ukrainian descent. In 2012, she started her YouTube channel "LaurDIY" and one of her early videos, helping young ladies to learn the basics of a great style by analyzing Ariana Grande's makeup, outfit, and hair attracted some massive attention of social media users. Today, Lauren's YouTube channel has over 7 millions of followers, and she keeps on surprising them with her new interesting ideas and comprehensions of modern fashion. Lauren took part in a few international social media projects, including the ones in Japan. She used to date Alex Wassabi, another popular vlogger, and YouTuber of Japanese origin. Since 2019 she has been dating a singer Jeremy Lewis. In the late 2022 the couple got engaged, and in the spring of 2024 they got married.
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