How old is Landon Clifford?
Landon Clifford was born on 17 February 2001. Landon Clifford died on 20 August 2020 at the age of 19 years.
What was the exact age of Landon Clifford?
Landon Clifford's exact age was 19 years 6 months 3 days old. Landon Clifford lived for total 7,124 days.
What would be the age of Landon Clifford if alive?
Landon Clifford's exact age would be 24 years 5 days old if alive. Total 8,771 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Landon Clifford?
Zodiac sign of Landon Clifford is Aquarius.
Landon Clifford was a successful YouTuber and a popular social media personality who tragically lost his life in summer 2020. Born in 2001 in the US, he was raised by his parents and had quite a typical childhood filled up with plenty of time spent in front of his computer. Landon was just 10 years old when he started streaming on Twich and using other social media platforms as his vlog. He used to run his personal YouTube channel until the time he met his future girlfriend and the mother of his two children, Camryn Clifford. They started dating and in the late 2010s became parents of a lovely daughter named Collette. Shortly after the birth of their daughter the couple got married, and in spring 2020 they welcomed their second daughter Delilah. Landon Clifford suffered from a range of personal problems and sadly he passed away in summer 2020, at the age of only 19......
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