How old is Lael Hansen?

Lael Hansen was born on 31 August 1997.
Lael Hansen is 27 years old.

How old is Lael Hansen in days now?

Lael Hansen is 27 years 6 months 26 days old.
Total 10,072 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lael Hansen?

Lael Hansen's next birthday is in 5 months 2 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lael Hansen?

Zodiac sign of Lael Hansen is Virgo.

 A Canadian YouTube star, Lael Hansen is a very talented reaction content creator who has already amassed over 1.1 million subscribers who love watching her reaction videos on various current cultural events. Born in 1997 in Ontario, she became active online in the mid 2010s and is sometimes referred to as simply Lael. Some of her early videos include the reactions on the songs of such hip hop stars as Xxxtentaticon which still remains one of the most viewed videos of hers. In the early 2020s she began recording her won songs and compositions including "My Life Is Boring", "I'm All Alone" (her debut single), "You Can't Stay Mad At Me", and others. In addition, she launched her Instagram account for her lovely Pomeranian dog named Kilo followed by thousands of her fans now. There is also her TikTok channel where one can find some videos of her making music and recording her songs. Sometimes her videos reflect one more hobby of hers, powerlifting. Lael Hansen was dating a YouTube star Sham Faek, but the couple split up.

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