How old is Kyler Skye?
Kyler Skye was born on 24 September 2016.
Kyler Skye is 8 years old.
How old is Kyler Skye in days now?
Kyler Skye is 8 years 6 months 5 days old.
Total 3,108 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Kyler Skye?
Kyler Skye's next birthday is in 5 months 26 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Kyler Skye?
Zodiac sign of Kyler Skye is Libra.
Kyler Skye is one of the cutest members of KidsFunTV, a YouTube channel that has been run by his family since 2018. Kyler was born in 2016 and is the youngest child of Brandon and Sara Skye. He is growing up alongside his elder siblings Jack Skye, Jazzy Skye, Kade Skye, and Kalia Skye. The family is really lovely and full of ideas as to making their life amazing, this way bringing joy and positivity to those who like to watch their content. Kyler began appearing in all the videos of the Skyes in about 2020, and he is extremely loved by his siblings and fans. He is very good at promoting the items from the family's merchandise line, and his adverts usually get millions of views. Besides, he is always up to various challenges, performances and skits, as well as other ideas that the family offers their fans. As of the late 2024, there are over 11 million people from around the world follow the channel. Just like all of the Skyes, Kyler Skye loves this life and enjoys all the things like outdoor activities, computer games, sunny days, and such.
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