How old is Kye Garrett?
Kye Garrett was born on 18 November 1996.
Kye Garrett is 28 years old.
How old is Kye Garrett in days now?
Kye Garrett is 28 years 4 months 12 days old.
Total 10,359 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Kye Garrett?
Kye Garrett's next birthday is in 7 months 19 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Kye Garrett?
Zodiac sign of Kye Garrett is Scorpio.
Kye Garnett is a British YouTube star and a social media influencer whose gaming-related stuff is famous and loved by her numerous fans. Born in 1996 in the UK, she grew up in Britain alongside her family and friends. Since her childhood, she has loved computer games and used to spend a lot of time playing Minecraft-type games. She opened her YouTube channel in the mid-2010s and began sharing various videos of her playing and sharing her opinion about different aspects of the game. She often posts some videos about her daily life, in particular - some videos about her lovely corgi dog. As of late 2024, there are about one million followers of her YouTube channel. Kye Garnett is married to another very successful and creative YouTuber Joseph Garnett, and they often collaborate and appear in each other's videos on their YouTube channels. The couple has two extremely lovely corgi dogs.
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