How old is Kurtis Conner?
Kurtis Conner was born on 4 May 1994.
Kurtis Conner is 30 years old.
How old is Kurtis Conner in days now?
Kurtis Conner is 30 years 10 months 3 days old.
Total 11,265 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Kurtis Conner?
Kurtis Conner's next birthday is in 1 month 27 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Kurtis Conner?
Zodiac sign of Kurtis Conner is Taurus.
Kurtis Conner is a cute Canadian YouTube star who rose to fame as a Viner and then as a great comedy content creator. Born in 1994 in Toronto but spent his childhood in Hamilton, alongside his parents and his sister Kylie. He started his social media activities in the early 2010 as a teenager and first of all became quite successful on Vine were he used to post plenty of comedy and musical comedy related content. As a college student Kurtis attended a series of comedy content creating courses, and in the mid 2010s he also opened his YouTube channel which became a place for him to share various kinds of challenges, lip-syncing, jokes, funny comments and jokes, etc. As of the mid 2024, there are about 4.9 fans on his channel, and it is possible to find hundreds of great reviews and recommendations. Kurtis Conner also has his Instagram account where he has been sharing wonderful photos and videos telling about his daily life, his friends and family. Currently, there are almost 1 million subscribers there.
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