How old is Kurt Cobain?
Kurt Cobain was born on 20 February 1967. Kurt Cobain died on 5 April 1994 at the age of 27 years.
What was the exact age of Kurt Cobain?
Kurt Cobain's exact age was 27 years 1 month 16 days old. Kurt Cobain lived for total 9,906 days.
What would be the age of Kurt Cobain if alive?
Kurt Cobain's exact age would be 58 years 1 month 9 days old if alive. Total 21,222 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Kurt Cobain?
Zodiac sign of Kurt Cobain is Pisces.
Kurt Cobain was a famous musician and the lead singer of Nirvana grunge band. He was born in 1967 in Aberdeen, Washington state, and was growing up as a difficult and rebel child. Since his teen ages, he was a huge fan of punk and progressive rock music. In 1988 he founded his band Nirvana, together with his friends Aaron Burckhard and Krist Novoselic. The band started by releasing a few singles with a small local recording label, and their first album was released in 1989, though went a kind of unnoticed. Their second album was a little more successful and supported by a few tours. One of their most famous singles, "Smells Like Teenage Spirit", was also recorded in the early 1990s. The third album of the band named In Utero has also received very good critics and was accompanied by the famous Unplugged performance. The band had plenty of tours in Europe and enjoyed the love of its fans. However, the psychological condition of Kurt was getting worse, and in April 1994 he was found dead in his hotel room in Seattle. After his death, there were a few albums of Nirvana previous songs released (in the mid-2000s). Kurt Cobain was married to Courtney Love and they have a daughter.