How old is Krutika TheMermaidScale?
Krutika TheMermaidScale was born on 5 December 1998.
Krutika TheMermaidScale is 26 years old.
How old is Krutika TheMermaidScale in days now?
Krutika TheMermaidScale is 26 years 3 months 7 days old.
Total 9,594 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Krutika TheMermaidScale?
Krutika TheMermaidScale's next birthday is in 8 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Krutika TheMermaidScale?
Zodiac sign of Krutika TheMermaidScale is Sagittarius.
Krutika TheMermaidScale is a very talented content maker who is currently popular on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. He content is focused on beauty and make up, cosplaying and image changing, as well as the related entertaining topics. Born in 1998 in India, she was raised there alongside her sister and her friends. Watching anime cartoons, Korean soap operas, and various fashion related videos as a child, she developed her own amazing taste to make up and experimenting with it. Krutika launched her YouTube channel in 2017 and was initially focused on her daily activities, as well as the fun she would have with her friends and family. In particular, one of her early viral videos is the one where she is singing in the shower. Later in the decade she opened her Instagram and TikTok account, which she is promoting now as well. There are tons and tons of interesting videos and lovely photos one can find on her accounts. As of January 2025, there are 8 million people following her Instagram account, and there are almost 13 million people subscribed to Krutika TheMermaidScale YouTube channel. On TikTok, the number of her fans is approaching to 17.5 million people.
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