How old is KPopp?
KPopp was born on 18 November 1989.
KPopp is 35 years old.
How old is KPopp in days now?
KPopp is 35 years 4 months 11 days old.
Total 12,915 days old now.
When is the next birthday of KPopp?
KPopp's next birthday is in 7 months 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of KPopp?
Zodiac sign of KPopp is Scorpio.
A charming YouTube star from Illinois, KPopp is known as one of the most successful lady-gamer who is a huge fan of such games as Call of Duty, GTA, and The Sims. Born in 1989, she would spend most of her childhood years at her computer playing and polishing her skills in her favorite game. At her high school time she got a fame of a prankster and was quite a popular girl at school. She made up her mind to open her personal YouTube channel in the mid 2010s and has got a few nicknames, including Kelly and PoppKel. Her streams and videos related to actual game playing are very captivating and interesting for true fans of computer games. The most viewed video of hers has received over 2.2 million hits. As of the early 2025, there are over a half of a million people following her channel, and there are also pretty many fans and subscribers to her Instagram. KPopp is currently dating another YouTube star Alexander Wachs, and they have quite famous two cats, Cat7thst and NomPopp.
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