How old is KJ TikTok?
KJ TikTok was born on 25 August 2000.
KJ TikTok is 24 years old.
How old is KJ TikTok in days now?
KJ TikTok is 24 years 7 months 4 days old.
Total 8,982 days old now.
When is the next birthday of KJ TikTok?
KJ TikTok's next birthday is in 4 months 27 days.
What is the zodiac sign of KJ TikTok?
Zodiac sign of KJ TikTok is Virgo.
A hilarious and gifted comedy content creator, KJ TikTok has been active online since 2020 and has managed to attract over 2.7 million followers, as of the mid 2024. Born in 2000 in Mississippi, he spent his early years in the city of Hattiesburg alongside his family. In his teenage years, he discovered that he had a lot of cool ideas for jokes and funny stories that could entertain other people, so he decided to open his social media accounts and bring a little bit of fun and positive emotions in his viewers' lives. Thus, his content with the elements of dancing and hip hop music is growing more and more popular now. Recently he has started focusing on the topic connected with the relationships between young people. KJ TikTok loves computers and driving cars.
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