How old is King Quran?

King Quran was born on 25 July 1997.
King Quran is 26 years old.

How old is King Quran in days now?

King Quran is 26 years 9 months 25 days old.
Total 9,796 days old now.

When is the next birthday of King Quran?

King Quran's next birthday is in 2 months 5 days.

What is the zodiac sign of King Quran?

Zodiac sign of King Quran is Leo.

King Quran is a TikTok star and a growing social media celebrity who rose to fame due to his union with a woman who is 37 years older than him known as Queen Cheryl. Born in 1997, he grew up as a fan of computer games, especially Fortnite. As a young teenager he decided to star his online presence and opened his first social media account which turned out to be on Twitch, and he began streaming regularly some episodes of his gaming experience. When he was 15, he started working in a small business called Dairy Queen, and that was the place where he met Cheryl who was the mum of the owner of the business. Later on, after he had quit his job, they lost contact, but in 2020 they met again and there was a spark between them. Despite the huge air difference, they started their relationship and share videos about their time together on their joint TikTok channel. In 2022 they got married and assured the audience that both sides of the family had agreed to this union. As of the mid 2022, Queen Cheryl and King Quran have over 1.4 million followers on their channel.

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