How old is Kids Roma Show?

Kids Roma Show was born on 22 October 2012.
Kids Roma Show is 12 years old.

How old is Kids Roma Show in days now?

Kids Roma Show is 12 years 5 months 6 days old.
Total 4,540 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Kids Roma Show?

Kids Roma Show's next birthday is in 6 months 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Kids Roma Show?

Zodiac sign of Kids Roma Show is Libra.

A nice kid Roma from Ukraine offers you his channel Kids Roma Chow to present his joyful content which includes plenty of entertaining stuff like toy and game reviews, unboxing and first impressions, some jokes and funny stories, skits, parodies, reflections and lots of kid friendly content. He came to this world in 2012 and is growing up alongside his superstar sister Kids Diana Show who is also a popular toy review kid. He started appearing on the channel in 2015, when he was only 2 years old, and since then he has been offering his viewers some really great entertaining videos for the whole family. Of course his parents take a close part in making the content of their children's channels, and so far both of them have managed to achieve tremendous success. In particular, Kids Roma Show channel has attracted over 16 billion views, and the number of the followers is approaching 39 million people (as of December 2024). As Roma is growing up, he begins getting interested in more serious topics like computer games and such.

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