How old is Kiawentiio Tarbell?

Kiawentiio Tarbell was born on 28 April 2006.
Kiawentiio Tarbell is 18 years old.

How old is Kiawentiio Tarbell in days now?

Kiawentiio Tarbell is 18 years 11 months 1 day old.
Total 6,910 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Kiawentiio Tarbell?

Kiawentiio Tarbell's next birthday is in 30 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Kiawentiio Tarbell?

Zodiac sign of Kiawentiio Tarbell is Taurus.

Kiawentiio Tarbell is a talented and outstanding actress and singer who belongs to the indigenous populations of the North American continent. She was born in 2006 in Akwesasne (known also as the St Regis Reservation), to the family on Mohawk origins, and was raised in the national traditions of the folks. Music has been her passion since the early years, and she started writing and recording her own songs as a young teenager. In 2018 she appeared at Ribfest Idol with her own song "My Baby Girl". A year later she started her professional career as a TV actress by acting in a few episodes of a popular TV series Annie With an E. A year later she was invited to take part in shooting some episodes of Rutherford Falls, and as of the early 2024 she is working on another TV series of Netflix, Avatar, the Last Aribender. In addition to her acting and singing activities, Kiawentiio Tarbell is an avid user of social media networking sites and she easily can be found on Instagram where she is currently followed by over 600 thousand people.

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