How old is Keyshia Cole?
Keyshia Cole was born on 15 October 1981.
Keyshia Cole is 43 years old.
How old is Keyshia Cole in days now?
Keyshia Cole is 43 years 5 months 12 days old.
Total 15,869 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Keyshia Cole?
Keyshia Cole's next birthday is in 6 months 18 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Keyshia Cole?
Zodiac sign of Keyshia Cole is Libra.
Keyshia Cole is an American hip hop and R&B singer, songwriter and TV personality who is sometimes referred to as The Princess of Hip Hop Soul. Born in 1981 in California, she was adopted by the family of the Coles when she was 2 years old and grew up in their large family which included their four biological children as well. When Keyshian was 12 years old, she was lucky to met a few experienced musicians and producers like Tupac Shakur, thanks to her elder brother Sean, and make her first records, in particular, with such star as MC Hammer with whom she later on began working as a backing vocalist. Her first solo album went out in 2005 and became platinum, mainly because of its best single "Love". Later in the decade she became a focus of a TV show Keyshia Cole, The Way It Is dedicated to her career growth. The show turned out to be very popular and supported the success of three next studio albums of Cole released in 2007, 2008, and 2010. The albums had some really great songs like "Heaven Sent", "I Remember", and others, which brought Keyshia 4 Grammy nominations in the early 2010s. She recorded three more studio albums in the 2010, and later on got focused on her TV career by hosting a few shows like One on One with Keyshia Cole. In the early 2020s she also joined a few successful musical collaborations with the singers like Nicki Minaj or Monica. Keyshia Cole was married to a basketball player Daniel Gibson with whom she has a son. Her second child was born in 2019, with her boyfriend at the time, Niko Khale.