How old is Keren Swanson?

Keren Swanson was born on 18 November 1992.
Keren Swanson is 32 years old.

How old is Keren Swanson in days now?

Keren Swanson is 32 years 4 months 12 days old.
Total 11,820 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Keren Swanson?

Keren Swanson's next birthday is in 7 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Keren Swanson?

Zodiac sign of Keren Swanson is Scorpio.

Keren Swanson is a famous vloger and social media star famous for her comments and documenting her life. Born in 1992 in Georgia, she was raised alongside her two sisters, friends and parents. After finishing school she studied marketing at the University of Central Florida. In the mid 2010s she got together with her high school sweetheart Khoa Nguyen and the couple has 3 sons, Landon, Sutton and Jackson. They got married in 2019. Keren has been writing a blog and uploading plenty of interesting videos about her family life and bringing up her three sons. She has a lot of fans on her Instagram account and, as of the late 2023, there are about a half of a million people following her account. She often collaborates with her good friend Kyra Sivertson, another famous YouTuber, and she herself can be found on YouTube as well. Keren Swanson is a wonderful mum and a great content creator.

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