How old is Kendall Maynard?

Kendall Maynard was born on 29 August 2004.
Kendall Maynard is 20 years old.

How old is Kendall Maynard in days now?

Kendall Maynard is 20 years 7 months old.
Total 7,517 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Kendall Maynard?

Kendall Maynard's next birthday is in 5 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Kendall Maynard?

Zodiac sign of Kendall Maynard is Virgo.

One of the loveliest and the most loved beauty experts on TikTok, Kendall Maynard has been running her channel which is a source of tons of interesting information about the lifestyle, fashion, beauty, great looks, and optimism. She was born in August 2004 she was raised alongside her sister and had a large variety of hobbies as a child, starting from music and fashion and ending up with soccer. She played soccer at school in a local team. In the early 2020 Kendal made up her mind to open her Instagram and TikTok channel where she intended to share videos about her daily life and ideas. Since the very beginning of her journey in the world of social media networking she got focused on the most common entertaining topics including lip syncing, beauty tips, life style choice help, and others. In the summer of 2024 Kendall Maynard announced that she entered Butler University to study political science there.

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