How old is Ken Carson?

Ken Carson was born on 11 April 2000.
Ken Carson is 24 years old.

How old is Ken Carson in days now?

Ken Carson is 24 years 11 months 19 days old.
Total 9,119 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ken Carson?

Ken Carson's next birthday is in 12 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ken Carson?

Zodiac sign of Ken Carson is Aries.

Ken Carson is among those hip hop stars who managed to promote their music using mainly social media networking platforms like YouTube or TikTok. He was born Kenyatta Lee Frazier in 2000 in the US, he started free styling and recording his first songs in his late teen ages. At about that time as well he launched his YouTube and Instagram accounts where he began sharing plenty of photos about his life, as well as his first songs which turned out to be popular among rap music fans. In the early 2020s his first compositions appeared on Spotify and one of his sings titled "Yale" attracted a large number of views. For the last few years Ken Carson recorded two studio albums and three EPs which have a great number of great songs. He names Playboi Carti as one of the most important influencers.

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