How old is Katrina Buno?

Katrina Buno was born on 12 February 2001.
Katrina Buno is 24 years old.

How old is Katrina Buno in days now?

Katrina Buno is 24 years 1 month 17 days old.
Total 8,811 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Katrina Buno?

Katrina Buno's next birthday is in 10 months 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Katrina Buno?

Zodiac sign of Katrina Buno is Aquarius.

Katrina Buno is a YouTube star and a social media sensation known for her amazing and unique short videos many of which have become viral. Born in 2001 in Canada and spent most of her life in Vancouver but later on relocated to LA, after becoming a known and successful social media star. As a teenager, she loved watching horror movies and playing Roblox type computer games which has some clear reflection on the content on her channels and accounts. She became active on YouTube when she was in her early teen ages, and she would share the videos of toy reviews or computer games. Then, after a short pause in her activities, Katrina appeared again on various social media platforms in the early 2020s, combining her efforts to promote her YouTube and TikTok channels. In 2022 she was named No 6 Breakout creators on TikTok. He content has always been captivating and very interesting, so as of February of 2025, there are 10 million people following her YouTube channel, with the impressive number of the followers on her TikTok channel too. Katrina Buno has recently been focused on more of  relationship and friendship focused content which actually helped her to attract even more followers.

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