How old is Katie Mylove Nazir?

Katie Mylove Nazir was born on 28 August 2006.
Katie Mylove Nazir is 18 years old.

How old is Katie Mylove Nazir in days now?

Katie Mylove Nazir is 18 years 6 months 11 days old.
Total 6,770 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Katie Mylove Nazir?

Katie Mylove Nazir's next birthday is in 5 months 17 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Katie Mylove Nazir?

Zodiac sign of Katie Mylove Nazir is Virgo.

Katie Mylove Nazir is a lovely and creative YouTuber famous for her awesome content centered on her daily adventures and beauty related stuff as well as being a girlfriend of Curly Head Monty. She was born and grew up in a large family of her parents and their six children. Since her early years Katie has been really cute and funny girl who loved beauty and dressing up. As a teenager she sued to spend a lot of time and efforts doing her nails and hair, as well as learning some new make-up tips. In 2020 she decided to open her first social media accounts in order to share her life and her skills with the public. As of the mid 2023, she has a popular YouTube channel enjoying about a quarter of a million fans where she has been sharing plenty of cool beauty related video content. Also, Katie Mylove Nazir can be found and followed on Instagram where her account has about a half million followers who enjoy watching the pictures and some videos about Katie's life and interests. She used to date Curly Head Monty for some time, they even had a joint social media account, but eventually they split up.

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