How old is Katie Feeney?

Katie Feeney was born on 16 August 2002.
Katie Feeney is 22 years old.

How old is Katie Feeney in days now?

Katie Feeney is 22 years 7 months 12 days old.
Total 8,260 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Katie Feeney?

Katie Feeney's next birthday is in 4 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Katie Feeney?

Zodiac sign of Katie Feeney is Leo.

Katie Feeney is a lovely dancer and a social media star who became popular for her extreme talent for dancing. Born in 2002 in Maryland and grew up there, alongside her parents, two brothers and their two dogs. Dancing has been her only passion since her early years and Katie received some great training in various kinds of dance, starting from classical and ending up with modern styles. She attended a few dance courses with Mackenzie Ziegler and Maddie Ziegler, so they known each other pretty well and are good friends. Feenley made a lot of useful connections and gained a lot of skills while training in Abby Lee dance camp where she met a great choreographer Milly Long. Katie created her Snapchat and TikTok channels in the late 2010s and began posting plenty of videos which attracted a huge number of fans. As of the mid 2024, there are 7 million fans on her TikTok page, as well as about a half million subscribers to her Instagram account. She is well known in he world of social media stars, and she collaborated with a large number of stars including Charli D'Amelio and many others. Katie Feeney is also a member of a social organization that promotes child cancer awareness.

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