How old is Kate Moss?

Kate Moss was born on 16 January 1974.
Kate Moss is 51 years old.

How old is Kate Moss in days now?

Kate Moss is 51 years 2 months 12 days old.
Total 18,699 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Kate Moss?

Kate Moss's next birthday is in 9 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Kate Moss?

Zodiac sign of Kate Moss is Capricorn.

Kate Moss is a world famous model and philanthropist. Born in 1974 in the UK, Kate grew up in the Greater London area and was discovered by fashion scouts when she was 14. First she began appearing on the photos in various fashion magazines, and later on, in the early 1990s, she became a face of new styles in fashion called grunge or zero size model trend, etc. The first brand she became widely known for was Levi's, but later one she collaborated with Calvin Klein brought her tremendous success. Moss is known as one of the models with the longest career and the model with a large number of awards. On the other hand, she is also known for her free lifestyle and numerous scandals. She took part in a few movies and TV projects. Kate Moss was married as has a daughter.

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