How old is Karina & Marina?

Karina & Marina was born on 30 October 2007.
Karina & Marina is 17 years old.

How old is Karina & Marina in days now?

Karina & Marina is 17 years 4 months 26 days old.
Total 6,359 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Karina & Marina?

Karina & Marina's next birthday is in 7 months 2 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Karina & Marina?

Zodiac sign of Karina & Marina is Scorpio.

A lovely social media star named Karina is the one behind the channel titled Karina&Marina where one can find videos filmed by imaginary twins who offer typical content for teenagers. Karina was born in 2007 in Spain and she started appearing on YouTube as a child when she was a part of the channel of her mum Myla. That is how Karina was introduced and found her first fans on the platform. However, in 2017 she decided to open her individual channel where she would share her life experiences, demonstrate her talents and come up with other interesting ideas as to new topics for her videos. In particular, she has a true passion in her life which is gymnastics, so very often she shares videos of some artistic moves or choreography. The idea of creating an image of her imaginary twin sister received some great enthusiasm from the side of her fans, and the videos involving Karina&Marina always have plenty of views. There is even a book released about the "twins" in the Spanish language. Recently, Karina has shifted to other more mature topics like healthy lifestyle, relationships, and such. Currently, there are about 7.5 million people following her channel (as of the late 2024).

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