How old is Karen Mendoza?
Karen Mendoza was born on 6 December 1997.
Karen Mendoza is 27 years old.
How old is Karen Mendoza in days now?
Karen Mendoza is 27 years 3 months 6 days old.
Total 9,958 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Karen Mendoza?
Karen Mendoza's next birthday is in 8 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Karen Mendoza?
Zodiac sign of Karen Mendoza is Sagittarius.
Karen Mendoza is a TikToker whose content is focused on quite traditional entertaining and comedy topics like lip syncing, skits, and such. Born in 1997 in the USA, she developed her love to social media networking sites right since they first had come into out life. Her TikTok channel came live in the late 2010s to be the place where Karen could show her daily life, her relationships with family and friends, as well as the funny moments that she lived through. As a very good looking, smart and interested young lady, she has managed to gain a lot of fans an followers all around the world. You can find hundreds of videos on her channel which reveal her ideas and thoughts about this world, her witty mind, and also positivity that she has got. In 2023 she had a surgery which changed her life and reflected on her content making. There are currently (as of January 2025) over 3 million people following her channel. In the fall of 2024 Karen Mendoza got married to her fellow TikTok star Freddie Zepeda.
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