How old is Kamri Noel McKnight?
Kamri Noel McKnight was born on 27 December 2002.
Kamri Noel McKnight is 22 years old.
How old is Kamri Noel McKnight in days now?
Kamri Noel McKnight is 22 years 2 months 26 days old.
Total 8,124 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Kamri Noel McKnight?
Kamri Noel McKnight's next birthday is in 9 months 2 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Kamri Noel McKnight?
Zodiac sign of Kamri Noel McKnight is Capricorn.
Kamri Noel McKnight is a young YouTube celebrity from Michigan. She was born in 2002 to the family of Shaun and Mindy McKnight, who are both social media personalities: Mindy is known as the owner of Cute Girls Hairstyles YouTube Channel. There are 4 daughters in the family, including the wonderful identical twins Brooklyn McKnight and Bailey McKnight, as well as two adopted children, so their life is full of joy and fun. Kamri gained some popularity in Tiktok musical community first and then opened her personal channel on YouTube, where she received the help of her elder sisters. In May 2017, her self-titled channel of Kamri reached 1 million subscribers, which took her less than 1 year to achieve. She plays the ukulele and guitar. Of course, very often she appears as the model at her mom's popular channel. As of the late 2024, there are about 1.6 million followers on Kamri Noel McKnight Instagram account and over 2 million subscribers of her YouTube channel.
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