How old is Kalia Skye?
Kalia Skye was born on 21 November 2014.
Kalia Skye is 10 years old.
How old is Kalia Skye in days now?
Kalia Skye is 10 years 4 months 8 days old.
Total 3,781 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Kalia Skye?
Kalia Skye's next birthday is in 7 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Kalia Skye?
Zodiac sign of Kalia Skye is Scorpio.
Known as one of the Fun Squad Family channel, Kalia Skye is a lovely and cheerful YouTube star who is a part of a large social media celebrity family, with the number of their fans approaching 2 million people (as of the early 2025). She was born in 2014 to Brandon and Sarah Skye. She is growing up alongside her elder siblings Jazzy Skye, Jack Skye, Kade Skye, as well as he younger brother Kyler Skye. The content that the have been making and sharing for about 4 years is centered around all kinds of entertaining and interesting activities like traveling, getting involved in some challenges, comedy skits, toy reviews, and such. One of the most epic videos involving Kalia Skye is the one in which all the siblings are singing a cover of a song by Imagine Dragons, and that video has attracted over 14 million views. And recently, Kalia has also announced that she had got interested in Baptism.
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