How old is JustJules?
JustJules was born on 29 August 2009.
JustJules is 15 years old.
How old is JustJules in days now?
JustJules is 15 years 7 months old.
Total 5,691 days old now.
When is the next birthday of JustJules?
JustJules's next birthday is in 5 months.
What is the zodiac sign of JustJules?
Zodiac sign of JustJules is Virgo.
JustJules is an extremely popular YouTube star who has been running her channel for over a year and has already managed to amass over 2 million fans. Born Juliette Coley in 2009 in the US, she is the eldest child of her parents. Jules grew up alongside her siblings Jacob, Jillian, Jovana, and Jeremiah. Since her early years she has been interested in gymnastics and received a lot of professional training supported by her parents and friends. Thus, a big piece of her video content is dedicated to this sports. Besides, she turned out to be really great at making shorts, and most of her 6 second videos went viral. JustJules is one of the top channels nowadays, focused on positivity, joy, healthy lifestyle, and being grateful for this life.
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